Everyday in the life Pakistani citizen.

 every day an ordinary citizen living in the crowded areas of cities like  Rawalpindi force themselves to wake up early in the morning without getting enough  good quality sleep due to unavailability of comfortable place for sleeping and the outside noise of vehicles and people which continue into late night due to high concentration of people living in small area. while taking  bath and washing hands almost 50 percent of population of Pakistan often  preoccupied by the fear of   finishing of   poor quality cosmetics they are using.

2024 when rest of the word are after neurotransplantation, artificial intelligence, quantum computing and and colonization of outer planets more than 50% population of Pakistan are  going through the problem of not having breakfast enough to fill their stomach or  two times meals a day.

after having breakfast   the biggest struggle of  going to  work  place begin when u come out of your home you are greeted by the awful smell of open sewage running down side by side of every streets, until bus stop is reached  in every fifty  meter distance  you  encounter with  a new beggar many of them are toddlers ,some are handicaps while others are very old people and some do this as a job because of unemployment, everyone of them are in need of help  but you have to leave with heavy hearts by looking at your own pocket.  while  using public transport the miserable condition of the vehicle  and  the way they are overloaded until  the destination are reached  the exhaustion  of their passengers can't be put into words.

already exhausted due  to 20 minutes journey in public transport  when reach to their working place due to lack of   proper of institution and system in Pakistan which shape the abilities of the working generation they lack the necessary skill  which market demand from them therefore they  work more than their capacity which natively affect their mental and physical health. 

most Pakistanis used to buy  cooking stuff on daily basis mostly while coming home from their works place in the evening time it is the time when markets are most crowded, but very high inflation in the country has made this the most difficult part in the life of every Pakistan.. in every grocery shop and stall costumers and the shopkeepers are quarreling with each others  about   the high  price of groceries .  everywhere in every conversation every one worried about the economic situation, everyone talk about inflation high utility bills and  bad governance. every second citizen if get a chance are in mood to leave the country.



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