General Election of 8 February 2024

   General Election will be held in Pakistan on 8, February  2024. for many reasons these election will be another blot in the face already limping democracy of Pakistan.  the first and foremost reason will be the participation of most vulnerable chunk of citizen in the power cycle  which has always  remained  non-existent from the times of its independence, as all the elected members of the national and provincial assemblies  will be from  the powerful elite of the country who will be competing with each other to get the upper hand in  power, influence and control of their respective constituencies.

Muslim League which  was behind the establishment of Pakistan was also a  syndicate of affluent and aristocrats only,  and the participation of plebs in the party was equal to none.  After the independence in 1947,  the power in the country remain in the hand of undemocratic entities like   security establishment  and the so called democratic political parties which were by every definition more aristocratic than to be democratic       

No direct  General Election  were held in Pakistan in first 23 years after its independence, although indirect election were held in some provinces but those election  were  very far away from what  to be consider as democratic process. the first and only free and fair General Election  in the history of Pakistan were held in 1970, but  the irony is  Awami Muslim League which emerge victorious  (with 167 out of 300 seats ) was not allowed to form government  by the security establishment and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto who won only 81 out of 300 seats. which resulted in the worst out come scenario for the Pakistan i.e. disintegration of the country . the election of 1977 was a managed in favor of Pakistan People Party, adding more misery to Pakistan democracy PPP was not allowed  to form government and martial law was imposed.

After 1988  the dynamic of politics completely changed in Pakistan. instead of  democracy the country  become the royal throne  for which the house of Bhutto and house of Sharif remain in constant ploy and security establishment remain the kingmakers who always shifts  it  approbation on one or the other  house in every election depending on its own the limping democracy in Pakistan changed from bad to worst. after   three alternative term for both the houses the kingmakers decide to bring a new player  in the form of PTI the only non dynastic political party   in the election of 2018  which very much offend their previous allies  the Bhutto and Sharif houses who put constant pressure on the kingmaker and also  the new king Imran Khan  was more recusant then his predecessor due to which bond between the new king and the kingmakers deteriorated very rapidly.  the hand of  compassion  was not only taken off from the shoulder of Imran Khan but the whole system has been  put on  the stake    to keep him out of the race of  the throne. the election on 8 February will be just the mockery of democratic process in this series of events.

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