What Is Next On Israel And Hamas War (My Opinion)


United kingdom of Israel
Jews claim that in genesis, God promised  Israel to Jewish people   more than three thousand years ago and  after  first exodus the Jewish people started living there and  build their kingdom. 
Later on they were made captive by Babylonian king  Nebuchadnezzar 11, to the city of Babylon , they were  allowed to go back to their homeland by Persian king Cyrus the great , In 63 BCE Roman general Pompay captured the land which end  Jews rule over Jerusalem.  after the advent  of Islam, Muslim  capture  Jerusalem in 635 AD and  rule over it  for most part of the last thirteen centuries with the exception of some forty year of the crusader rule, In 1917 Muslim ruler lost it to the allied power after that in 1948, United Nation decided to divide the area into a Jewish state and muslin state.


As a result of war in 1948 and 1967, Israel captured most of the area allocated to the
Palestine state in 1948, UN resolution and converted some part of the them into Jewish settlement .All the above course of events  are the root cause of the on going war between Israel and Hamas . 

As of now four different type of opinion prevail on the issue of  Israel and Hamas war .Jewish religious fundamentalist and pro Zionist   are of the opinion  that it was promised to the  Jewish people so there should be only Israel with boundaries mention in the Genesis , but anti Zionist and Muslim religious fundamentalist believe that  there should be only Palestine as it was Arab  territory and remain under Muslim control for  1,300 year in the most recent past and that   the Jewish  were brought to the Palestine through Zionist propaganda only after Belfour declaration so that these are illegal immigrant and   have no  right to  independent state of there own. There are third groups who are of the opinion that UN resolution of 1948, should be implemented and  Palestine and Israel  should be re demarcated  in accordance with the very  resolution .the last group are in favor of the status quo.

 To me none of the above mention option are sustainable solution to the question of Palestine and Israel .Israel cannot legitimize her inheritance to the total land of Palestine mandate  on the basis of the some verses from their holy book revealed   3000 years ago, nor the Palestinian can undo the suffering and centuries long legal effort of the Jewish people in acquiring their national homeland in the Palestine mandate and demand the full annihilation of  the  state of Israel on the basis of  it sparse Arab  Muslim population and Muslim rule over the territory for more then many centuries before word war 1. 

Going deep into history before world war 1 will only add more ambiguities to the problem instead of its solution . however  the changes happened during British rule of Palestine Mandate are debatable  , the British govt tried to established Jewish homeland in the west of  Jordan river in the Palestine mandate because this  area was very sparsely populated but in the process of doing so  they didn't consider the voice and demand of small native Arab population ,  therefore one can question the increment in the number of Jewish immigrant without considering the fact that the native Arabs were selling their lands to these Jewish immigrant and  to Zionist organization on large scale or one cannot point out the Arabs hostilities toward the Jewish settlement during the Arabs uprising without mention the hatred and antagonism of the Immigrant toward the native Arab population .

By the time the Palestine question was referred to the United Nation in1948,  there was sizable Jewish population with large land ownership the Jewish  population  were 30% of the total population of  Palestine mandate in the east of Jordan river so United Nation rightly divided the area into Jewish and Muslim area on the basis of population and land ownership.

 At that time it was  Arabs mistake who didn't understand the dynamic of the word order after word war2    as they  did not accept the partition plan  and demand full annihilation of the state of Israel , the second day after the independence of the new born  state of Israel  the Arab countries show aggression and attacked Israel form three state in which Israel gain overwhelming victory and  captured more land of Palestine state than what was demarcated in the UN partition plan. every time the Arab shows aggression against Israel they face humiliating defeat and loose more territory  to Israel  . one of the special mention is 6 day war of 1967, in which Israel capture Sinai , Gaza strip, Golan heights and west bank , but in cease fire agreement of  Yom kippur war of 1973, she agree to give back Sinai and Golan heights but built settlement for Jewish people in west bank and Gaza strip  against the international law

Despite the fact  that after capturing the land while defending it self against the aggression  ,Israel treated the Arab as second citizen and deprived them  of all the basic citizen  rights which the Jewish citizen of the country were enjoying,

 Now by looking at events happened  between 1948 and  1973, two state solution is only  possible in line with the cease fire agreement of Yom kippur war of 1973, not in accordance with UN resolution of 1948. For that Israel should repatriate all settlers back  to Israel or it should merge all the small settlement scattered through west banks in to one big settlement very next to Israel boarder and decent amount of money should be paid   to Arab landowner  whose land will be used in  making of the settlement    in addition to  that money  they should be given residence in the abandoned Jewish  settlement, and Israel should accept   full authority of any elected  representative of   people of Palestine after fresh  election  and must not interfere in the internal matter of Palestine state    

In Gaza strip  first of all, Israel must refrain from indiscriminate killing of civilian   and  sustainable ceasefire agreement should be reached through dialogue, on the condition that Hamas will dismantle it military capabilities and only work as political organization  and  rethink on it radical  ideology of full annihilation of Israel  and also  Israel must ease blocked of Gaza strip, it should be merged with west bank under the flag of independent Palestine state . It should be made clear that the land of Palestine must not be use against Israel by terrorist organization , Israel and Palestine should coexist in peace and mutual recognition of one another and no  rocket should be fired on Israel from Palestine territory and no terror attack on the state of Israel  like the  one happened on October 7, must happened in future again , any how if such incident happened in future than international community and United Nation must rail behind Israel on it every action of using brute  force. and it should be made clear on Israel also that it should not do any  act of aggression and thing wrong against it neighbor or it will face the same kind of consequence as what is mention for Palestine  

May peace prevail

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