The development of human civilization and its future (part 1 )


The life of Palaeolithic period humans were very much similar to that of other  apes, the concept of equality and justice was unknown, physical strength and power was what ruling their world, terror and suffering was destiny of the weak but slow and gradual development of conscious in human being pull them together to live in form of hunter gather groups.When human migrated to the different part  of the world every settlement developed their own  social and moral values, which were somehow  merciful than rest of the animals ,  

  After Neolithic revolution societal class developed and humans were categorize into different groups on the basis both physical and conscious power , unlike other animals where  physical power has a final say in every matter  , human  class were  based  on thing which were more aliened  to the use of conscious, this classification make the  humans civilization more  organized but at the same time  create  small differences , with the passage of time those differences   take the shape of inequality  and injustices .The upper class of the civilization became kings or the rulers  while the  lower became salve, one class enjoy privilege and power while the other was denied the basic right to life and property.

  conscious evaluation which is the reason for all  the development of human society is not  without a negative side, therefore  those  difference in political , social , religious and economical values  were not welcomed in the early human society   , the  rapacity for power, wealth and  ideological supremacy of human  push  them into calamity . Different group went at war with each other which was the failure of human collective consciousness. thus oppression, inequality and injustice continue in new shape in human society.

 As time passes by new values   developed in human civilization. In 1754BCE Hammurabi  developed first rules  of human society, which  was a big leap toward humanity.  Those laws did not completely end the inequality and injustice, as the powerful were not subjected to the laws but these were the only thing differentiating human from other animals. 

In 6th century BCE Athens develop a system which guarantee equality to everyone but at that time humans conscious was not developed enough to accept the system,   Every religion which came before and after Hammurabi’s time promote positive values, humanity, and morality which were in accordance  to the need of the time, but those religion also became  one of the main reason of hostilities and centuries long war of human history, new form of inequality developed between the religious leader and followers, the leader were supposed to enjoy every kind of privilege while the followers were forbidden to even question their leaders. 

In 1215 CE Magna Carta  was developed which was the first time in human history the powerful were subjected to the law, after Magna Carta equality and justice started to strengthen in human society but masses were still subject of the crown. After French revolution of 1789 the idea of nationalism and modern democracy developed, which create a system in which people living in particular area speaking same language, sharing a common history, tradition, culture and led by same government are considered to be a nation and the citizen of the country not subject of the crown. These ideas ripple through the fort of monarchies due to its more inclusive nature, it curtail inequality and injustices among people living in particular area, but it also gear up  difference, inequality , injustice and hostilities  between different countries . These hostilities can be observed through 19th and 20th centuries wars between European powers, among them World War 1 and World War 2 were the most deadly. In these two wars alone more than 115 million people died.  

After the end of World War 2, different institutions were established to minimize future conflicts and wars. The establishment of United Nation on October, 24, 1945 to me is one of the most significant events   in the human history; it was the first time when almost all of the the human being unanimously agreed on  measure to reduce future conflict and to uphold human values . it also  adopt the universal declaration of human rights on 10th  of December 1948, which was the first time   an efforts was made to guarantee   right to life, freedom, dignity, justice and equality  to every human being regardless of their region, language, color,  cast and creed. but few countries   like UK, USA, CHINA, RUSSIA and FRANCE were unjustly bestowed with a veto power in the security council, the motto behind the formation of untied nation was  to minimize the chance of another horrific events like world wars , to block the way of aggression against the weak for wealth , power or  expansion of  their ideologies, which had  been done in the past and to uphold other  human rights values all of the  world , Ironically after the establishment of United Nation, hostilities and inequalities between countries and people remain intact in one or another form,   cold war can be an infamous example of these hostilities, the aggression against the weak continued to exist like the US invasion of Vietnam and Russian invasion of Ukraine. But it has somehow managed to block the way of bigger war like World War 2.

Today Eighty years after the formation of United Nation justice, equality and  other humans rights are still violated,   the biggest threat posed to humanity is by human itself, almost 2.4 trillion dollars are  spend on defense purposes, 27 million people are actively trained for the purpose of killing fellow humans and as many more are reserved to take part in war like activities. advance and sophisticated weapon are made to be used against the fellow humans with different ideology, region, cast and creed.  Atom bomb, fighter jets, air craft carriers, wars ships, ballistic missiles, submarines, drones, chemical and biological weapons  with mass destruction capabilities have been developed ,The total number of atom bombs present in today world alone has the capacity to destroy not only every humans being but the whole ecosystem of the planet earth within one hours.

  By observing  human history what different monarchies like Alexander and changez  khan and countries like Hitlers’ Germany did in the past, pilling up of weapons by countries  can be justified for self defense against intruder. today's non proliferation treaty ,no first use policies  and civilian protection policies of wars has somehow reduced the  threat posed by  these weapon to human civilization. but it has not nullified it , if someday  in future an authoritarian  like Hitler  came to power they will not care about the human rights  nor they will abide by the law  regarding the use and advancement of weapons   then the murderousness of these weapons can been seen . so there is a need of a system in which equality , justice and other rights should be guaranteed to every human living on the earth, and    weapons should be made and used   for self defense but they must not posses any kind of  thread to  humanity.

Every country, every tribe, every religion, every caste, every race, every class of society and people living under the umbrella of every ideology should sit together to establish an institution like united nation which will guarantee justice and equality to everyone, but unlike united nation there should  not be veto power with any country or individual.  It should elaborate 10th December 1948, human right declaration   right to life, freedom from torture, right to liberty and security, freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, freedom of opinion and expression, right to work and education, right to privacy, right to participate in government, freedom of movement, right to equality before the law  and other human rights law  of united nation and make it compulsory on every state to draft their constitution on basis of those human right laws, and make sure to implement them  everywhere on the planet earth with small addition that they must not create any kind of hardship and problem to the fellow human with different perspective and nor they posses  any kind of thread to the sustainability and development of human civilization which is shaped on thousands of years of evolution of some core values. 

Secondly the world must have a single combine military, with its main headquarter and its wing in every country,   military wings of every country  must be fully integrated with each other. The strength of military wing of every country must be proportionate to its area and population , it should operate under the law drafted by the main headquarter for cross boarder activities and development of modren weaponry but for internal matter it must be fully in control of the govt. In this way there will be military balance around the world which will eliminate any kind of aggression against the weak by powerful. There will be a military of every country for self defense and to counter the thread of non state actor and terrorist organization, in the mean time their weaponry will not posses any kind of threat to the civilization.  The policy of one human one world should be adopted. anyone living in any part of the world, speaking any language, belonging to any culture, race, caste and creed, associated with any institution, social and political ideology, must have equal rights, . No one should be discriminate on the basis of their ideology, everyone should be independent to present and propagate their thoughts and ideology until and unless it posses any kind of threat to the sustainability and advancement of human civilization ,promote hatred, provoke genocidal intent against particular section of population or  against any other  fundamental human rights law.. it doesn’t mean that there should be single ideology or direction of human thoughts and values.  There must diversity in term of languages, religion, caste, culture, creed, political, p and social association, there must be countries with their own distinct physical boundaries, laws and institution, but there must be laws which promote pluralism, tolerance and acceptance among  different group of  human, so that our civilization  can  become   intelligent, sustainable and truely developed civilization.

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