Summary of the book The Power of Now


In almost every  get together during university life  group of us   friend often used to debate on   esoteric topics , one day  while sitting in the middle of profuse  sport ground the debate turn toward entrancing topic  of love and intellect. almost all of my friend put their Weight  behind love but  I was alone in the favoring of intellect to be most important aspect in human life .without ending any conclusion  this debate continued along  the whole semester  until final paper become imminent and there was no time left for any kind of debate , one day during confab one of my friend Al Moveed Hussaini while arguing in the favor of love mention about the power of presence mentioning that  a person can't understand true meaning of love with out being fully present in time, due to my inclination toward intellect I did  not embrace at that time   to what he said but it very much appeal  me to ponder over it for a while.
 About one and half year ago when life was getting more and more tenebrous, unable to comprehend  how to cope with  the situation I started to search about the meaning of life when suddenly Al moveed's words about power of presence click into  my  mind. upon Goggling it the profile of Eckhart Tolle   popup on my laptop screen. when scroll down through the profile  I found out the book "The Power of now"   and start reading  reading it.

On anything I spend time during my entire life ,reading the power of now is  most worthy of it, in this book  the writer not only thoroughly  explain the meaning of timeless now but also mention all steps and practices through which someone can be fully present at now. Eckhart Tolle through his book try to remind us that all the suffering and pain in this word are due to egoic mind created illusion of our self in total contrast to our reality. The first step to be fully present in  now is to observe our mind at every instant what it is thinking about  ,when we will able to fully observe out mind at every instant the second step begin which is   to figure out the next thought that will come to our mind, in doing so we make our self free from the mind for a little  while. by practicing the first two step we almost overcome our mind  and make our self free from the unwanted and unnecessary  thoughts ,  once the mind is cleared from unnecessary thought it  leads us to the  third step which  is to observe our internal energy field  by giving full concentration to our body. by doing so we will make our body thin enough for the light to pass through it and liberate our pain body from the darkness of mind created illusion of our self. the last step he mention is  going deep in into the body and connecting our self to  un manifested. that will liberate us from the cage of time dependent illusion of life and take us beyond manifested into the realm of foreverness thus liberate us from and any kind of  pain and suffering.

While reading the book I was also doing practice of all  the steps  the writer has mentioned in the book and to be honest by the time I finished reading  those practices  leave a lasting impact in my life . I took control of my unconstrained mind  quite a bit, now it seems so  I have truly understand the essence of life.
for any one who is  going through the  failure, sorrows, pain and suffering  they should know that these thing are only mind created illusion not reality, and  they should read the  power of now to be acquainted with the kernel of  life.

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