Operation Al -Aqsa Flood

More than one  year before  7 October, Israel official  obtain  40 pages document name "Jericho Wall" which contain information about possible Hamas attack on Israel, but the Israel military and intelligence dismissed  the plan asserting it would be very difficult to carry out . NY-time reported  .but Israel dismiss  reports of receiving any such documents 

At 6:30 am on 7 October(the sabbath), Hamas accompanied by five more groups( Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, Al Aqsa Brigade ,Omar Al Qasm Force, Palestine Islamic Jihad and Mujaheddin Brigade) carried out  "Operation Al Aqsa Flood", against Israel . first of all barrages of rocket were fired on Israel (5,000 according to Hamas but 2,500 according to Israel) followed by horrific ground assault, some 1,500 militant breached the boarder and attacked military bases and civilian population , as a result of this attack  846  civilians, 416 soldiers  and police personals were killed and estimated 240 people were taken as  hostages with  more than 6,900 injured.

the extend to which the militant sneak into Israel 

Hamas announced the operation was conducted   in response to blocked of Gaza strip ,the expansion of illegal settlement and Israelis settler violence against Palestinians  .this attack was widely condemned by most of the countries.

After this attack state of emergency was declared in Israel and Prime minister Natanyahu announced that Israel is at war and we will win it ,he also warn Gazan to leave for the safer palace as Israel is going to take down Hamas with full force, the prime minister also order to amass it troops near Gaza strip for the ground invasion of Gaza. 

The same day IDF engage in gun battle with Hamas insde Israel and also carried out number of air strikes in Gaza, On October 9 ,Israel defense forces spokesperson claimed that Israel has re-established control of all the communities that were overrun by Hamas fighters over the weekend, but militants may still be present on its territory.

 At 7:00pm on 17 October 2023 ,an explosion took place at Al Ahli Arab hospital in which more than 300 people died according to different independent sources, the cause of the explosion is contested ,Israel and intelligence of most of the westerns countries indicated it to be due to failed rocket lunch by PIJ(Palestine Islamic Jihad) from within Gaza, but Hamas and PIJ, ascribe Israel air strike for the incident. this incident was widely condemn  large number of people took to the street for the support of immediate ceasefire in Gaza all in vain the war continued. 

 Israel start it ground invasion of Gaza in the evening of 27 October and successfully split the besieged enclave into two part on November 5, through heavy street fighting and Ariel bombardment after splitting Gaza into two the IDF order civilians to move south for their safety announced to open humanitrian corridor btween 10:00am to 2:00pm for evacuation of civilians. Large number of people who were trapped in the north moves to the south through these corridors daily, making the total number of displaced people in Gaza to nearly 1.9 million, since the start of war ,according to UNWRA.

map of IDF humanitarian corridor

On November 22 , a successful hostage deal was signed by Hamas and Israel ,trough Qatar mediation, under which the two sides agreed on four days truce in fighting so that 50 women and children hostages could be released in return for the release of 150 Palestinian woman and children in Israel detention plus additional trucks of emergency aid and fuel to be allowed into Gaza, Israel also announced to extend the truce for one more day in exchange for the release of 10 more hostages each. The deal begun at (0500 GMT) on 24th of November  and to be end on 28th of November  same time , but was expended for two more days and finally end on 6th of December, Under the deal 78 hostages were released by Hamas(making the total number of hostage released after 7 October , to 110 as some of them were released in separate deal between Hamas and other countries through Iran mediation) and 180 Palestinians women and children were released and hundreds of lorries of additional aids and fuel reached Gaza. .

After the truce end on 30th November, Israel army resume it operation with full force and extend it furthermore to the south parts of Gaza in Khan Younis and order the civilian to move into  safer location prescribe by IDF.

IDF operation in northern Gaza

United Nation has already  warned that civil order might break down in Gaza  due to shortage of food and supplies and  international pressure is increasing on Israel to protected the life of civilian in Gaza .

On 13 December ,UN general assembly overwhelming voted to demand case fir in Gaza. The resolution for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire passed with 153 members voting in favor, 10 voting against, and 23 abstaining.

Until now heavy ground battle and air strikes are going on in Gaza strip as a result of which of which more than 18,500 Palestinians have died (among them are5,500 children) with more than 50, 000 injured according to Hamas run health ministry  in Gaza  ,and more than 115 IDF personals have died since the beginning of ground invasion . The IDF is claiming that it  offensive is achieving it target of dismantling Hamas military and political abilities  while Hamas is claiming to be defiant in its defense ..... 

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next blog will be my opinion about on going war