Israel and Palestine(2000-2008)


Second Intifada 

In 2000, the US sponsored Israel Palestine summit to resolve some important issues like the status of Jerusalem , illegal Jewish settlement in West bank and Gaza strip and presence of Israel military in some part of Palestine , however this summit didn't reached any agreement therefore the situation remain tense on the ground . After the summit Israel right wing nationalist leader Ariel Sharon visited Al Haram Al Sharif which offended the Palestinians and  they start demonstration and protest which spark a series of new violence in which more than 3000 Palestinians ,1000 Israelis and some 64 national were killed. these series of events is known as second intifada.

Mahmoud Abbas 2004

After the death of Yaseer Arafat in 2004, Mahmoud Abbas become the President of Palestine, and the dynamic of  relation between two  hostile neighbors somehow change in the positive direction .

In 2005 Israel withdraw some the settler from West bank and all of Gaza strip 

Election of 2006

Election were held in Palestine on 25 January  2006, surprisingly Hamas won these election and receive  44.45% of total vote  and secure 74 out 132,  seats and the ruling Fatah receive 41.4% of total vote and secure 45 seats in total only .On February  20,  Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh  was nominated to form a new government


The following years tension between Hamas and Fatah increase which change into civil war, in 2007 Hamas force defeat Fatah force and took control of Gaza strip due to which Mahmoud Abbas dismiss Hamas led government and declare emergency on 14 June 2007,  due to Hamas control, Israel declared full  blockade of Gaza strip in 2008....

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