history of Israel and Palestine from 1320BCE- 1917

 Approximately 3,320 years ago  God promised a land to the descendants of Abraham, according to (genesis 12:7)  the name of the which later changed to Israel, after exodus of 1334 BCE under the leadership of prophet Mosses the Jewish people  came to the promised land and start living there ..Under the leadership of king Solomon they completed the old temple in 957 BC and in 586 BC   Babylonian king (Nebuchadnezzar 11) make them captive to the city of Babylon.  After 48 years in captivity  Persian king  (Cyrus the great ) conquered Babylon and gave  the Jews  permission  to went back  to Israel ..
In 70 AD  roman general  (Titus) besieged ,captured and destroy Jerusalem so it bring an end to Jewish kingdom in Israel  . After seventy  years  from  titus capturing of Israel  Christianity  born in Jerusalem, In 312 AD when roman king Constantine become Christian, Jerusalem also came under the control of Christianity.
In 610 AD a new religion (Islam) born in Arabia and after 28 year in 638 AD a Muslim ruler Umar ibn al kataab  conquered the city of Jerusalem and it remain under Muslim control for more than four and a half centuries when in 5 July 1099 first army of christian crusader conquer and make their rule for 88 years. In 1187 a Muslim ruler Saladin recaptured Jerusalem and it remain under the control of different Muslim ruler there onward till  1917 when after WW1 British troop capture it from ottoman empire.

In 1896  a Hungarian Jew writer and political activist Theodore Herzl   write his  infamous pamphlet  Der Judenstaat in which he envisioned an independent state for Jewish people as an answer to antisemitism in Europe and secular Jewish identity he mention both Argentina and Palestine as possible land for the Jewish state. In the same  year he went to Istanbul to meet with sultan to persuade him for obtaining Palestine as independent country but he never meet the sultan ,next year in 1897 Herzal  decided to hold congress of Zionist leader  in Basel 200 delegates form different part of the world and from different walk of life  were present and they agreed upon the program to create a publicly guaranteed homeland for Jewish people in Palestine and It also set up the Zionist Organization with Herzl as its first president. After unexpected death of Herzl in 1904, David Wolffson became the president of Zionist movement and their effort of making a Jewish state continued.

On November 2 ,1917  Arthur James Balfour a British secretary of state  wrote a letter to Lionel Walter Rothschild a leader of Anglo Jewish community in which he declare  the British support  of “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people it also stipulate that nothing shall be done which may prejudice  the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities  in Palestine ,it is known as  Balfour declaration ,it was contradictory to both skyes picot agreement (between British and France ) and Hus syn McMahon correspondence (an exchange of letters between the British high commissioner in Egypt)

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