Israel and Palestine(1937 -1967)


The British govt tried to crush Arab revolt under the  martial law of  1937 some 5000 Arabs were  killed and many more were injured and  imprisoned  which left the Arabs weak and divided but the Zionist remain  strong  united behind Ben Gurion,  as   the situation on the ground remain volatile.
In  March 1939  a conference was held in London  to discuss the  future of  Palestine mandate  in the presence of delegates from both Jews and Arab  but no agreement was reached  due to which the British govt issue  "MacDonald White Paper"  which state "that a Jews homeland should be build within  independent Palestine and further immigration of the Jews should be done with Arab acquiescence" but both Arab and the Jews reject those proposals.With the start of second world war both Arab and the Zionist sided with allied power offering active recruitment of personal for British force and making of ammunition for allied war machinery respectively.
After the war in 1945 US president Harry Truman request British Prime-minster Clement Attlee  to allow 100000 Jews  Holocaust survivor  into Palestine but British govt  opposed it , so in 1945 an Anglo American Committee of inquiry  was formed to submit  report on Palestine issue  which reject the idea of early independence of Palestine and proposed it to remain  in UN trusteeship but it also second the idea of allowing 100000 Jews into Palestine but again  the British govt opposed that for the time being,. Due to which not only  the Zionist pressure increase on British govt but  also the Zionist underground  forces increase attack on the British officials and Arabs,  the Arab also mobilize it force and increases attack on Jews settlements ,unable to control the situation British govt refer Palestine question  to United Nation  on February 1947,  at that time the Jews  were 30 percent of total population  compare to 10 percent   of 1917  and the land holding of the Jews also increased by 250%  from  1917, and become equal to 6.2% of total land of Palestine.

In  28 April 1947, first special  session of United Nation was convened to discus Palestine question, the Jewish agency represent Jews and Arab states represent the Arabs of Palestine,the UN setup special committee under the chairmanship of Emil Sandstorm to look into the  question of Palestine, after taking tour  it recommend partition of the area into Jewish and Arab state  which should retain economic union and Jerusalem and it environs should be under UN control.This recommendation was accepted by two third majority in UN general assembly session of  29 November 1947. The Jews welcome this partition as it allotted them more than half of the land of  Palestine but the Arabs fiercely opposed it. after this resolution a civil war broke out between Jews and Arabs of Palestine  due to which  the US opposed the forcible partition of Palestine, international community tries to end the war through diplomacy but failed,   the civil war intensified and finally Haifa and other urban centers fell to Zionist , the Arabs defeated , divided ,weekend and  demoralized could not prevent the partition .
On 14 may 1948 the last British high commissioner Alan Cunningham left Palestine and Israel announced it independence the same day with David Ben Gurion as it first prime minister it also won recognition from both US and USSR within few hour of it independence. 
 In the early morning of May 15 1948 the combined armies  of Egypt, Iraq and Transjordon  cross the Israel frontier but  were defeated by Israel. By 1949, Israel reached an agreement with it neighbors and established its authority over the land of 8000 square miles and also won recognition from more 50 countries in UN. The remaining 2000 square miles was divided between Transjordon  and Egypt, more than half of Arab population of Palestine were displaced majority of whom went to west bank and Gaza strip and the remaining  went  to neighboring Arab countries, this mass displacement of Arab is also known as  Al- Nakab. The Arab who remain in Israel were subjected to discrimination and treated by Israel govt as second citizen, the Jordanian king seize the opportunity  annex the west bank to it territories and extended Jordanian citizenship to the people of west bank but Egypt rule Gaza with suppression.
In 1950 UNRWA established 53 refugees camp in west bank and Gaza strip to  accommodate  650,000 refuges .In 1964 Arab Cairo summit PLO was formed with the objective of gaining  independent state of Palestine and destruction of Israel it was political organisation but latter  on some guerrilla wings like Fatah, PFLP and DFLP also join PLO, all these development leads to 'Six Day War" of 1967...........


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