Israel and Palestine(2008-2023)


Israel blockade of Gaza strip 2008

In autumn of 2007 Israel declared Gaza under Hamas a hostile entity and put number of sanction on Gaza strip which include power cut  ,boarder closure and restriction of goods flowing into Gaza, and in response Hamas fire rockets into southern part of Israel. So in 2008, Israel intensify it sanction and completely block Gaza strip.

In 2010, the a direct talk was again held between Israel and Palestine  which quickly came to halt over the issue of illegal settlement in West bank . So Mahmoud Abbas sent request to UN security council  for admission of Palestine as independent state which  the UN council reject but  the UN assembly passed a resolution making the status of Palestine as non member observer state in 2012.

The Gaza War 2014,

In 2014, a teenage name yashiva was kidnapped and  killed in the west bank ,for this incident  the prime minister of Israel Nathan Yahu blamed  Hamas and lunched full scale military operation of Gaza strip on 8 July 2014. Full scale war broke out between Hamas and Israel , Hamas lunch rocket on Israel and Israel carried out airstrike and ground invasion  in  which more than 2100 Palestinian most whom were civilian and some 72 Israelis died. On 26 August 2014, an open ended ceasefire was announced in which both side claim victory. 

Jerusalem as Israel capital 2018,

On May 14, 2018 Trump administration move it embassy from Tel Aviv  to Jerusalem , in the response to which protest and demonstration took place in Gaza strip and West bank. In Gaza strip the protester along Israel boarder  tried to cross into Israel many time, Israel army open fire on the protester , more than 60 Palestinian were killed. This incident lead to more airstrike on Gaza strip by IDF and more rocket firing on Israel by Hamas. In 2019,  in order to achieve long term ceasefire Israel ease restriction on Gaza strip ,allow additional goods into and out of Gaza strip and also expend the fishing zone .

Abraham Accord 2020

On September 2020, a series of  bilateral agreements were signed  between Israel , UAE,  Morocco and Bahrain through USA mediation . these agreement are known as Abraham Accords,  the name of the accord  was given in reference to the common ancestor of Jews and Muslim Prophet Abraham . The original text of the accord is as follow.

"We believe that the best way to address challenges is through cooperation and dialogue and that developing friendly relations among States advances the interests of lasting peace in the Middle East and around the world.

We seek tolerance and respect for every person in order to make this world a place where all can enjoy a life of dignity and hope, no matter their race, faith or ethnicity.

We support scienceartmedicine, and commerce to inspire humankind, maximize human potential and bring nations closer together.

We seek to end radicalization and conflict to provide all children a better future.

We pursue a vision of peace, security, and prosperity in the Middle East and around the world.

In this spirit, we warmly welcome and are encouraged by the progress already made in establishing diplomatic relations between Israel and its neighbors in the region under the principles of the Abraham Accords. We are encouraged by the ongoing efforts to consolidate and expand such friendly relations based on shared interests and a shared commitment to a better future"(Courtesy Britannica)

After Abraham Accord the relation between Palestine(Hamas) and Israel remain some how harmonious until October 7, 2023, when early in the morning  Hamas carried out horrific assault on Israel ......

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