Israel and Palestine (1917-1937)


After the end of world war 1, on March 20, 1920, delegates from Palestine attended a general Syrian congress at Damascus, which passed a resolution rejecting the Balfour Declaration and elected Fayṣal I—son of Ḥusayn ibn ʿAlī king of a united Syria (including Palestine).
In April 1920, however, at a peace conference held in San Remo, Italy, the Allies divided the former territories of the defeated Ottoman Empire. Of the Ottoman provinces in the Syrian region, the northern portion (Syria and Lebanon) was mandated to France, and the southern portion (Palestine) was mandated to Great Britain .
 On July 1920 the British government appoint sir Hebert Samuel a Zionist as the first high  commissioner of Palestine and he works on the implementation of Balfour declaration by announcing quota for the Jews immigrants , but the  Arab executive reject the right of Jews to Palestine and make it position as autonomous Arab entity. During that time some Palestine farmer sell their land to Jews immigrants and  some anti Jews riots also took place in Palestine meanwhile some Arab notables visit London to pursue the British government to reject the Balfour declaration so the  British release white paper on  10 June 1922 declaring that they did not think Palestine as a whole should be Jewish homeland but that such a home should be found in Palestine and legislative council should be setup.

 In July 1922 the Council of the League of Nations approved the mandate instrument for Palestine, including its preamble incorporating the Balfour Declaration and stressing the Jewish historical connection with Palestine but also close Jews settlement in east of Jordan river which was three forth of total land of the British mandate of Palestine ,after that some clashes between Arab and Jews took place in Palestine. (It worth mentioning here that there  was no unity among the   Arab in Palestine which make their position slightly weaker in taking some concrete decisions but on the other hand the Jews where more united and their leadership was close to the British govt). but the hostilities between Arab and the Jews some how decrease after reduction  in influx of Jews immigrant. On October 1930  the British govt issue passfield white paper which order not only  halt in the jewish immigration  but also forbidden selling of land to Jewish people somehow this was also nullified latter on by British govt
 The ascension of Nazis into power in Germany in 1933 and whispered persecution of Jews in Europe  give raise to the number of immigrant, by 1936 there were almost 400,000 Jews population in Palestine this increases Arab  hostality  toward Jews and British.
 strikes and revolts took place in Palestine and the Arab also attacked some Jews settlement, A royal commission of inquiry under lord Robert peel was send to Palestine  which declared the mandate unworkable and recomanded  partition of the area which further deteriorate the condition  this  situation   provoke the British govt to impose martial law  in 1937

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