Baberi Masjid and Adohya Ram Temple


baberi masjid

It has always been the tradition of the followers of every religion, they glorify  their religion on the basis of shortcoming and flaws of other religions, having a full  faiths means leaving  no rooms for  things other than what u believe right are  to be realistic, especially in religious terms.  by looking at any  religion existing in todays world   it become obvious that the supreme force or the fundamental belief of any religion consider the supreme force and fundamental beliefs of others are in  accordance with reality. every second religion start by misconstruing of   all the existing religion, that is why the raise and prevalence of a religion is not always welcomed by the followers of other religions.

Main events 

adohya ram temple

In the subcontinent the cause of  strife among different religions remain integral  part of its history , it is believed that in ancient time when Hinduism became the dominant religion  they mark ayodhya  as the birth place of their lord Ram and build a temple there, in doing so the might have offended the sentiments of followers of Vedic or any other religion existing at time no one knows .  In 7th century when the followers of  Islam came to subcontinent like every other religion they start falsifying  the believe system of the existing religions to spread Islam in the subcontinent , until middle ages when Islam became dominant in subcontinent they build baberi masjid in the birth place of lord ram in 1558, but in 1857, the British take over of subcontinent  mark the end of Muslim domination which compel the Hindus to strive for reclaiming of their sacred birth place of lord ram on which baberi masjid was built. the British administration who were not that much keen of spreading their own religion Christianity, put fence around the site making separate area for worship of both Hindus and Muslims  

After the partition of subcontinent in 1947, Hindus  again become dominant in India and they started profanity of other religion especially  Islam and place Ram lalla idol inside baberi masjid on the evening of  22 December 1949, so the door of baberi masjid were closed for Muslim worshipper and it was re opened  for only Hindus worshipper in 1986 and finally the worship place of Muslims was demolished in Hindus dominated India in 1992. A new ram temple was consecrated in the site of baberi masjid  in 2024. although another site is allocated for the construction of new mosque in adoyha but the blot  remain in the face of  followers on Hinduism for  the hatred and profanity of other religions

mosque, church and temple

Through the course of  many thousands years of time of homo sapiens development ,from
living in the caves to colonization of outer planets, from savage hominines to most loving and civilized species to  be ever lived , every religion play a crucial part but the irony is with the all advancement in human civilization and  conscious  the followers of every religion fail to develop the  basic ideology of their religion . therefore the static believe system  result into differences and quarreling  among people and the peaceful co existence of different religions is becoming more and more difficult. it the prime responsibility of the follower of every religion that  the must understand that any thing  they believe to be wright may not be wright for every for any time  so they  must  develop their believe system according to the demand of time  and work for the peace ,development and happiness of  all  human civilization 

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