what is the meaning of life ?


If you are thinking what should be   the meaning of life than  you  have to move on

Most  of the people in the world interpret  the meaning of life in different way , I mean  for every individual  the  purpose of been given birth to or coming into existence is different

  In most of religion cultural influenced society people think that  life means submission to God,  that we have been given life to please the creator so that he/she  will reward us back in this life and in eternal life after death in form of paradise or  inform of   salvation   for the pain which  we endure in this worldly life. 

The same   is the cause with my own society, as it is  mostly influenced by physical Islam,  I am using the word physical Islam because the original meaning of Islam is  somehow different from it ,  here people believe  this worldly life as just an illusion not reality but  that  reality is the eternal   life after  death and we have been created by God  so that we should earn some thing that will benefits us   in the life after death , the purpose of all us in this word is to make Allah happy ,so that he will make ease for us in the after life or else we will face the wrath of his torment .

The people in  modern  and liberal society take life as, one out many trillion chances  quantum vibration has  given to them on  tiny inhabitable planet  in the spiral wing of milky way galaxy. in the  immeasurable vast cosmos . so for them   life is very special and order combination and evolution of atoms  through the course some 13.7 billion year of time  to form a complex physical  structure   which also developed  conscious. before the combination disintegrate   they seek to achieve or do any thing new or different from the rest of the world that might will give them pleasure , satisfaction and purpose.

but no one in any  of the above society has understand the meaning of life  by thinking because mean of life is imbibed in every daily life activity. any how thr one who is not happy with life currently will think about the meaning of life ,  you have to change it , do something which  make u happy or in which u give your full concentration, 

life hash no meaning as long as you try to understand it through your thought, to understand one has raise above the thoughts .


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