What are Ten Most difficult thing to do


It is the nature of every  human that the very last thing the fail to do will be most difficult for them, so it is subjective  thing  . for every  one the 10 most difficult things are very much different. for example to the  person born in poor family  getting rich will be one of the most difficult thing on contrary to the one  belonging to a rich family,  but their are certain thing which most of the people  consider difficult.

1.       Rise again after  failure

Almost every one in the world fail at some point in their life , it is human psyche  that  any big failure go into  its head and they never easily recover from it  there are very few  who get up,  try again and succeed  after failure .

  As it is said that difficult times produce strong man so any one who overcome the difficulty of failure will be first  to succeed in life, moreover  it should be   keep in mind  that  after failure one should change the approach of doing the task or else their will another failure.

2.Admitting your fault 

1.       Most of the people world live in  their egoic mind   and  egoic mind always  try to conceive  that  it can do no  wrong. so overcoming the egoic mind and admitting of your fault is the second most difficult thing in the world,  but anyone who overcome  the egoic mind will always  be in the state absolute peace

       3. Controlling of emotional pain   

       Emotion are mostly associated with love,  if something unexpected or unwanted happened with the loved one or loved thing, the mind  with the whole body  flow into emotional pain which than become very difficult to control .

In order to control emotional pain  one should remain actively in now and try to let go off all the thoughts .


4. Advanced mathematic 

Tackling advanced mathematical concepts, like abstract algebra or differential equations, can be mentally demanding and most people in the consider it as one most difficult task to do.

  but it  is not impossible also  with focus ,determination and practice things seem to get lot more easier with time.

5.Understanding Quantum mechanics.

As the world of quantum mechanic is very much different from our physical reality . in quantum world same experiment will always  give a different result every time it is repeated, unlike our classical reality in which it give same result no matter how many time  it repeated  as long as the condition remain the same.

So delving into complexities of quantum mechanic will be very difficult task due it abstract nature, but it also need full concentration and focus.

6.Negotiating Peace in Conflict Zones:

It is well said that wars are the collective failure of human conscious, when conscious is subtracted from human than there is no stopping highly evolved mammals from mass destruction of it follow species and whole of the earth eco system .

Resolving conflicts in areas of political instability or war involves navigating complex geopolitical, cultural, and social dynamics which is very difficult task to carry out , but it can also be resolved through conscious.

7. Quitting of bad habits

All those habits which cause any kind of moral, ethical, emotional, economical or physical harm to your self individually or collectively to society are considered as bad habits.

Take example of smoking it cause harm to physical health, emotional wellbeing and social behavior of any one who use it but people finds it very to get rid of , because every bad habbits like smoking are addictive and they become part of everyday life and are very difficult to quit .

Through full determination, instant alertness and constant refrainment over the course of time these thing can be overcome.

8. To forgive someone who has broken your heart

forgiving someone who has hurt you is an incredibly challenging emotional and psychological process that requires a significant amount of strength, empathy, and self-reflection. It involves the act of letting go of anger, resentment, and the desire for revenge towards the person who has caused harm or pain.

9. To be fully present at now

Humans  mostly live in their head which is the root cause of every pain and suffering, by that I mean we are controlled by our mind which always remain in the past or seek pleasure and happiness in the future, so it always obscure the  beautiful present from us.

Whenever we try to be fully present in now our mind always cause hindrance  to that, and push back us into the illusion and false identity it created for. it require  full forgiveness and constant practice to be fully present in now 

10. Time travel 

Time travel in to days world is one of the most difficult thing to do, for most people it seem not only difficult rather impossible. 

with technology present today travelling in time seem very difficult in near future but in the distant if some of our civilization survived and continue to thrive one day time travelling as easy  as turning on light switch. 

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