Israel and Palestine (1967-2000)


Six Day War  1967

When guerrilla group based in Syria, Jordan and Lebanon increased attack against  Israel, it military retaliate  with brute which increase tension between Israel and  it neighbors. In 1967, Kamal Abdul Nasir of Egypt mobilize it force in Sinai peninsula to attack on Israel, in response Israel lunch preemptive attack on Egypt Air force early in the morning of June 5, and completely destroyed the air power of Egypt  which mark the start of six  days war. The war ended on  10 June,  with  overwhelming victory for Israel against Egypt, Syria and Jordan . Israel capture Sinai from Egypt , west bank from Jordan  and Golan height  from Syria. After the war Israel begin to built illegal settlement in West bank and Gaza strip

Yom Kippur war 1973,

After humiliated defeat in six days war of 1967 the  Arab state and its people became demoralized and  in pursue of taking revenge  and getting back it lost territories , on October ,6 1973, Egypt and Syria again start a war against Israel, on yom kippur day( a holiday for Jews) therefore this war is know as yom kippur war , this war ended on 26 October 1973. No side win a decisive victory in this war but Israel  negotiated on terms favorable to Arab states.

Camp David Accord 1978,

The US brokered a peace deal between Egypt and Israel on March 26, 1978 through series of negotiations which took place  at Camp David, Maryland, therefore these agreement is  called camp David accord . through these agreement Israel gives Sinai peninsula back to Egypt and in return the former recognize the later one and both mutually agreed on Establishment of self governing authority in West bank and Gaza strip.

Through the course of time  PLO which was established in 1964, gradually become functional organisation and also won some recognition as representative of Palestine people but from 1980, onward not only some extremist wing of PLO start violence against  Israel but also  Israel suppression of Palestinians and antagonism of Jews against Palestine people also increase.

First Intifada 1987

By 1987, more than half of the land in West Bank and some part of the Gaza strip had been  converted into illegal settlement  and the living condition of Palestine people further deteriorated  due which Palestinians start small demonstration riots and occasional violence   to which Israel acted with force that leads to large scale violence  in which more than 800 Palestinians and 50 Israelis  were killed this incident is known as First Intifada.

Palestine Independence 1988

On November 15 1988, PLO declare independence  for Palestine  state and within a day 15 countries including Russia and Egypt extended recognition for the new state though US and Israel did't recognize it  .In December 1988, the PLO recognize Israel and condemn all form of terrorism and violence against the Jews  and the president of PLO ,Yasser Arafat  publicly accept the UN resolution 242 and resolution 338.  Hamas which was more radical entity with its own guerrilla wing(Al Qasam brigade)   challenged the authority of more secular PLO and resist any recommendation with Israel  

Oslo Accord 1993

From the first month of 1993, US brokered a series of secret meetings  between Israel and PLO in Oslo Norway  famously known as Oslo Accord . these meeting bear fruit on September 13, 1993 when  Israel and PLO signed  "documents of principal " in Washington . This agreement include mutual recognition of one another  and PLO to be legitimate ruler of West Bank and Gaza strip and Israel to withdraw it forces from Gaza strip and the West bank .

These agreements offended radicals and extremists  on both side. Hamas continue it violent opposition to the peace process and some Jew religious  leader also issue rhetoric against the  than Prime minister  of Israel Yatzik Rabin. Despite violence Israel complete it withdrawal form  the Gaza strip and  some area of the West bank in 1994 .

On November 4, 1995 Yatzik Rabin was assassinated by  Jewish extremist, which dent the already fragile peace process .


Election of 1996

In January 1966, election were held for the first time in Palestine  in which  the turnout remain two third of the total register votes Yaseer Arafat secure 88.2% vote  in presidential election and Fatah won 55 of 88 seats in general election. Hamas boycott this election and continue it violence . the same year Benjamin Netanyahu  right wing leader of lucid party was elected as primes-minster of Israel, which further derail the peace which somehow continue into 21st century  with uncertainties ....

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in the map in between the white area in west bank and gaza strip are under israel control in 1988
the more dark brown under PLO control
the light brown are under the control of both israel and PLO