the 4th major problem of pakistan! extractive political system

 like most of the other religion  in the  world Islam has also given a lot of religious  privilege and  sanctity  to Muslim leader and rulers, due to this reason after the fourth  pious caliphs  till early 20th century  very powerful muslim dynasties  like Umayyads,  Abbasid,s, Ottoman, Moghuls, Safavids and Fatimids  have emerged and  ruled through different time, as time passes by these dynasties  make up the mind of  Muslim in such a way that they  started considering those monarchs as their caliphs and they make it obligatory on themselves to pay homage to their rulers thus  the expansion of their kingdom was portrayed as glory to Islam,  the loyalties of those ruled with their rulers continued into   20th  century a time in the history when the wave of modern nationalism was rippling through the world,  due to this reason out of 57 Muslim countries  in total  5 to 6 has a flawed democracies otherwise their is authoritarian regime or hybrid regimes.

After Islam spread in the subcontinent  some powerful Muslim dynasties like Ghaznavids, Ghurids, Dehli sultanate,  Deccan sultanate and Mughal empire have ruled  over the subcontinent,  the same sense of submission to the monarchs and spreading of muslim kingdom as   religious glory also developed among the followers of islam in subcontinent, when the British defeated the Mughals and  established their rule over subcontinent the Muslim considered it as the loose of  their religion and the sense of  of regaining the lost glory of islam was prevailing among the Muslim of the subcontinent.

The former ruling elite of the subcontinent were aware of this sentiments of  Muslims and for taking advantage of this sentiments  they established a new party All India Muslim League in 1906 as the representative  body of the Muslim of subcontinent,  which create and propagate a sense of false nationalism among the muslim of subcontinet  which altimatly lead to the formation of Pakistan, but  before  Muhammad Ali Jinnah became the president of Muslim league in 1937, the Muslim league was considered as party of elite as  there  no leader  in the Muslim league from the middle class,  after formation of Pakistan in 1947  the former ruling elite   continued their  rule over the newly born state of Pakistan,   these ruling elite in the name  of security and   sustainability  started formation of  a powerful military  institution to strengthen their own power but  in short span of two years of time the military outshine  it previous master in term of power ,  the election of 1965 was the defining moment  which unleashed  the route map of future of  Pakistan  ,the election for the highest office  between   the former governor general Muhammad Ali Jinnah's sister and military detector  Ayub Khan, this election left the nation with only two choices either we have to kneel in front of  the powerful ruling elite or bow down to the  the dictator , the victory of the dictator in that election  handed over all the power and resource of the country into the hand of military institution, and all the civilian institution  the special mention are the political parties  became the puppet of  powerful military and it suit the military to concentrate the power of  political parties into the hand of few families so that they can be easily manipulate and used in time of need  thus  execrative political system raise in Pakistan . The leadership of all the political parties remained in one family like Pakistan People Party leadership  remain in Bhutto family  ,  Pakistan Muslim league Nawaz remain in Sharif family, Awami national party remain in Bacha khan family, Jamait ulama islam remain in Mufti Mahmoud family  are the solid proof this extractive political system of pakistan .More than anything else the extractive political  system  has tremendously effect the development of Pakistan  .

When  extractive political system developed in the country the powerful minority elite never make any law which will benefits the common citizen, because if laws are made for the benefits of the common people they will be powerful enough to  challenge the authority  of the ruling minorities , therefore these ruling minorities  never  pass any law which  make the common citizen rich and powerful. so system of law developed in Pakistan are only rich friendly law.

secondly  the extractive political elite  will never make inclusive economic policies  nor inclusive economic system  sustain under extractive political institution, therefore inclusive economic system has never been developed in pakistan,.  due to non inclusive economic institution  the common citizen of Pakistan see  no benefits from the  development of the country  economy, therefore they  take no  interest in its  development  and no country will develop economically as long as all of it citizen will not take part in the economy.

few families have ruled Pakistan since its independence . due to their indisputable rule   they have considered themselves above the laws , due to this reason a system of two laws develop in country in which there are soft laws for the ruling elites and  hard one for the common people. this two law system pave the way for injustice, corruption, nepotism , human right volition and different social inequalities in Pakistan.

the extractive political system has hindered the process of accountability of powerful people (military and politicans ) under supervision of which  different  mafias   and no state actor have gain tremendous power in pakistan. 

The ruling elite of Pakistan  will never try to make inclusive political system in Pakistan as long as the nation   snatch it from the hands of the aristocrats. it can be done remaining under the constitution of pakistan through proper tehreek or the  other way which is through bloody revolution and rewrite a new conistitution. 

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