Religion and science

 Every thing in the universe are in continuous state of motion and evolution , human beings are also in the state of gradual and continuous evolution  , we evolve both physically and consciously. tens of thousand years ago the start of Neolithic revolution increase the exchange  of information and thoughts among different  humans species  when they  start permanent agricultural  settlement instead of hunter gather groups , this exchange of information and thoughts  resulted into the formation of set of value and  practices to lived  together , some of those  special values and practices with the passage of time might have taken the shape of religion.

  Those ancient people  interpret the  the ultimate power and their creator according to  their limitation and their level of consciousness , when you observe ancient religion closely  human scarifies  is most common practice in almost every  ancient religion  , for example in Ancient near eastern religion  people used to scarifies their children to make their God happy , this was their conscious level that they were considering their creator  to be like a sanguinarian.

The hint for this practice of   children scarifies can also be found in  Islam  from the story of Prophet  Abrahim(AS) and  Ismail(AS). when the God order Abrahim(AS) to scarifies his Son Ismail(AS)  for which he made a commitment to scarify his son  but in the mean time  a lamb was send to  be scarified instead of Ismail(AS).

The evolution of human consciousness push the limitation of human civilization further and further away , this change the social moral values and practices into a new and  more civilized forms,  therefore the values and practices of ancient religion  became irrelevant and gradually obsolete from the face of the  world . 

 All the major existing religion of todays world  are almost one to three thousand year old, and all of them  mirror the conscious level  of humans lived between one to three thousand  years ago , like in every religion their is a concept of  supernatural force whose existence cannot not be proved with direct experimentation  nor one can touch, hear, smell , taste or see him/her/ Them directly with the five senses, and that the supernatural   force  has send code of  value and practice through his chosen man or  ways to the humanity according to which they will live their life and that  those value and their religion did not developed through social interaction of humans.

As said earlier the human conscious continuously evolve and in last one thousand years   a new subject of life  "science  "   developed in human society , this subject deviate from all the existing religion in 180 degree  angle , In science the existence of any thing must be proved through observation and experimentation , if not proved that  not exist ,this goes very much against the basic  concept of God in almost every existing religion, but  today science is  in  much more conformity  with the evolved conscious and it has greatly   influence human civilization  then  those religion which were developed more than thousand years ago. 

Science has pushed the the boundaries of human limitation in a  such a great extend that the interpretation of GOD  in all the existing religion are becoming more and more irreverent, science has made such a strong foot print in the society that  today the follower of every religion in the world are trying to authenticate their religion on the basis of  breakthroughs made by science. the same is with the follower of Islam who are considering Quran  as the main source for every scientific breakthroughs, which  is a fundamentally wrong concept  .

We have to understand that  religion and science are totally different subject of life,  it is almost impossible to authenticate or deify any of the existing religion with the level of todays science , may be in future such theories and laws will be developed in science by the help of which these  existing religion can be related or may be such a religion will develop in future  which will define  the supernatural being i.e. God  in much more convenient  ways to the scientific laws.

The human civilization of todays world  with the help of modern philosophy and science has developed such social and moral values  which are contradicting  with all the existing religion of the world but these values are more relevant to the demands of the modern day world . these values are not deifying  any of the  religion , one should keep in mind that all the religion  will be right according to the conscious level and need of the people of the time these religion started . with the evolution of human conscious   and development of modern societies the social moral values and practices of  these religion should also be develop accordingly otherwise their fate will be same as that of the ancient religion slowly and gradually  they will obsolete from the face of the world, 

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