money makes money

 "Money makes Money" is not only the  new form of the English saying "money begets money"  but it is the most integrated definition of  capitalism, where money hold the highest value  and all the religious, social and political aspect of life revolve around money.

Through out human history different process, technique and method were used to earn money, with the development in human civilization the  methods and technique of making money  were also  institutionalized , with money holding the central value in todays capitalist word all of the institution are directly or indirectly involved in making of money.

Among all , educational institutions are the only one which slightly deviate from  the principal of money makes money in a sense that in  these institutions money alone is not making more money. but it is coupled with hard work and time to develop knowledge, skill and ideas , theses ideas skill and knowledge  are than utilized in market to make money  . although money is also used  in some these institutions  but the amount is not as huge as what  is needed in other institutions to make equal amount of money what can be earn through those skill, knowledge and ideas . it necessary to remember that  the holistic development of civilization also depend on many other  factor in addition to these educational institutions.

All the development and advancement in any field of todays word have been possible only due to concept of money ,every Nobel laureate Has done researches and hard work in doing new invention and discoveries for the purpose of earning livelihood, if it has been  made clear to Einstein  that  he e will be no receiving  money if chose physic as a field than  photoelectric effect  and  special theory of relativity might be still  unknown to everyone ,  and if there was  no economic reward for doing work related to philosophy then the world would have been empty of philosophers for example if there was no capitalism during Karl Marx era than there might nothing like communism, the same is the case with artist every  art that delighted us today  came into being because of money,  if Leonardo was  not been paid for his masterpiece than Mona lesa had been vanished from the mind of people long time ago, those mention above are the splendid work even every small piece of work is done for earning of money, I just want to give my own example if Google was not to add my blogs to AdSense I might have never write this blog   

 Mona lesa

capitalism which is the sole factor behind advancement of human civilization but not without any drawbacks, it is  the root cause of economic inequality , poverty ,unrest, wars and climate destruction,  every problem and challenges we face today is due to capitalism, but these problem and challenges can't undo the fact that the basic building blocks our todays civilization is  money, and the importance of money is  increasing by leaps and bound. quality life even simple  can not be lived in  todays word without money,  any alternative to the concept of capitalism is not possible in near future. therefore it depends on everyone individually and also collectively on society  to work on their own to  tackle the  challenges of economic inequality, poverty, unrest and climate issues caused by capitalism until a best pragmatic alternative  "Money makes Money" is made workable.

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